Thursday, 16 May 2013

WEEK 1, Day 4

Wow I was in a foul mood earlier. Don't think I can put it down to cutting the junk, not entirely anyway.

4.30am starts 4 days in a row are also to blame and the increase in tough workouts for sure.

I was tempted to reach for a treat tonight - it would have been so much easier than making something from scratch. But I cooked some chicken with garlic, zucchini, tomatoes and a little bit of pancetta.

I had a busy day at work but still stuck with 1200 calories, just didn't use any of the recipes today.

I went to my kickboxing class and was definitely put through my paces!!! Our normal instructor is training for a fight so another guy took it who just happens to be a Muay Thai champion so he did not hold back....

Frog jumps, squats, lunges, press ups, burpees, sit ups, kicks, punches, side steps, the list goes on and on. Felt good to be pushed and definitely feel like I smashed my session. There's something about not wanting to appear weak in front of someone new that brings out the competitive beast in me!! And brings out the red cheeks... It changed my mood for the better too.

I definitely deserved my low calorie hot chocolate afterwards :) 75 calories and worth every last one!

Sleepy time for me and puppy...


  1. Such a lovely photo :)

    Do you have any time to freeze a few of the 'freezable' meals for nights like that? A lot of people on the forums recommend it and even though we haven't frozen anything we did make a bit in advance which helped.

    I'm glad that you got to smash out a good training session with a new trainer :)

  2. Yes I froze a batch of lasagne and had it re heated and just as tasty! So nice to not have to wash up as well :)
