Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Forgive Me Father, For I Have Sinned....

But not the food kind of sin thankfully!!!

Nope I haven't blogged for a week and boy have I felt it. Literally hundreds of thoughts bouncing around in my little head at any one given moment and without the release it's been a bit noisy up in here!

So let's get down to the nitty gritty of the past week - I have not binged ONCE! That's right, 18 days without a cheat! That's 3 weekends over and done with and they are definitely where I struggle the most. The old "Oh i'll start on Monday" trick normally worms its way in but i've held strong.

Actually food wise on Friday night was yummy. I had a friend over and I made steak with mushrooms, baby tomatoes, baby corn, asparagus and sweet potato mash. Simple, tasty and much better than a take away plus I felt satisfied afterwards. I had a low fat hot chocolate for dessert and it hit the spot, teaching me that weekends don't require the need to dive head first into a bucket of ice cream (although wouldn't that be fun?!)

Saturday I did my boxing class instead of the SSS. It's a full on class, plenty of cardio, burpees, squats, lunges, skipping and bag work and most definitely a calorie burner. Sunday I enjoyed a rest day plus I made sure to get a couple of naps here and there.

For me this process is about getting my mind back to where it was before I moved to Australia, making the right decisions 90% of the time and not beating myself up and going on a binge the other 10%, more just allowing a treat every now and then.

On Monday I had the lasagna again, a re heated piece from last week's batch, and it was every bit as tasty! So nice just to throw it into the microwave too and not have to worry about cooking.

I tried my hand at Bikram Yoga this week too! For those of you who aren't familiar with the term it is 90 minutes of yoga poses in a heated room. Sweat literally pours from you and there were a couple of times I felt sick I have to say. Nothing too drastic but slightly uncomfortable. It is meant to be amazing for the joints and muscles and seeing as I take part in kickboxing and boxing 3 times a week I think it could really help with my flexibility.

I had a red flag day over the weekend in the form of a birthday brunch with friends so made sure to check the menu out before hand. I chose scrambled eggs with mushrooms and tomato on wholegrain toast with a skinny chai latte and plenty of water. Have you ever had a chai latte? OMG they are out of this world. I remember thinking what the hell is this spicy/sweet/creamy concoction the first time I tried one but by the second time I was hooked! Seeing as it was a brunch I skipped lunch and had a selection of fruits in the afternoon with my girlfriends which was yummy and enough to tide me over. All calories were accounted for and I still participated - didn't miss out on a thing :)

So far I feel really great about everything. Sure I have my moments where I want to indulge, that's to be expected. But the important thing is my stronger self wades in and reminds me of what I have to gain by pushing forward and that the feeling of a binge, however great at the time, is short lived and just not worth it.

Oh and did I mention I lost 1.7 kilos?? Because I did!!!

Now 3.5 from my goal weight and even more focused. I think the weight loss is going to slow down quite considerably as the weeks go on but that's ok, i'll keep at it anyway.

I even managed to squeeze into a pair of skinny jeans i'd bought when I first came out here which I couldn't get the zip up on a few months ago. Sure I still have a cheeky muffin top but at least my bum didn't eat them before I could get them up!

How did everyone else get on with the scales this week??

1 comment:

  1. 18 DAYS WITHOUT A CHEAT!! Self high-five! I'm so happy to hear that you have been finding ways of integrating your social life into your new, healthy lifestyle - sounds like you made some tasty choices too. I think I need to try this lasagna you keep talking about.

    I've been thinking about trying Bikram Yoga... there's a place just down the road from our house. I really should. How did you feel afterwards?

    Congrats on 1.7!! 3.5 from goal weight must feel awesome. I'm a bit sheepish about it but I lost 2.4kg and I've changed my goal weight to 60kg. I'm interested to see how much the weighloss slows down the lower I/we go.

    I giggled at the thought of my own bum "eating" a pair of skinny jeans haha! You will fit into them soon! Your attitude is still awesome!
