Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Kitchen AND Friend Clear Out

So Task 5 was to clear out our kitchen cupboards and fridge from all of the junk we currently eat.

To give you a basic low down we're talking processed and most packet foods out and healthy fresh produce in.

Whilst waiting for the round to start I've simply been eating 1200 calories a day and avoiding crap. That being said I have been eating a muesli bar each day as one of my snacks so I shall be bidding farewell to my oaty friend after eating my last one today. I wonder what the snack choices will be during the 12wbt? For the mean time ill substitute with a piece of fruit or perhaps a small handful of nuts.

So we clear our kitchens out to rid ourselves of all the toxic food in our home right? Makes complete sense because to be the best version of ourselves we need to feed ourself the very best. But what about the other aspects in our lives or more to the point, what about toxic relationships/friendships? I'm a sucker for not letting friendships go simply because I don't want to appear a bitch, even when it's quite apparent we just aren't a good fit. You can't gel with everyone, that's just life....

I made the decision to rid myself of a couple of people on Facebook and erase their numbers on my phone. One a boy who I came to realise quickly was no good and the other a girl who comes with a suitcase full of drama. Neither bring anything positive to the relationships and life is too short to waste time.

It felt good to have a sort out in these aspects of my life and I encourage others to do the same! I believe in order to be happy we need to surround ourself with support and positivity and stop allowing others to pull us down occasionally.

So crap free kitchen, CHECK! Crap free friendships, CHECK!!

Ps is this not the biggest banana you have ever seen?!?


  1. Or is it actually a tiny hand? These questions need to be asked...

    I just read all of your entries, and decided that this was too good to miss any new posts. You are now on my Reading List! Good luck in this Round.

  2. Getting rid of crappy friends will only help with your self-confidence in the long run! Awesome work :)

  3. Thank you Kelly. Just laughed out loud at your last post, the "normal" comment - too funny. I look forward to reading more!

    And then you too Emily. Are you starting your blog at the beginning of the round?

  4. Yes I am :) I'm not sure why but I feel like I really want to get it all going on the same day. I only joined a few days ago and I've been doing the writing pre-season tasks in a notebook and posting a couple of bits and pieces on my 12wbt twitter feed :)

    I guess I feel like I started a bit too behind to blog about the pre-season tasks. It's silly but yeah :)

  5. You need to do whatever is going to benefit you the most :)

    What's your twitter 12wbt name and ill follow you?

  6. energyandemily :) I have a twitter feed/link on the side-bar of my blog :)
